World Without Cancer
G. Edward Griffin
G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.
Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non-drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics – and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.
With billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund-raising at an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the solution should be found in a simple vitamin, this gigantic industry could be wiped out over night. The result is that the politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science.
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World Without Cancer : The Story of Vitamin B17
by G. Edward Griffin
Our Price: $17.50
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.
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Alive & Well : One Doctor's Experience With Nutrition in the Treatment of Cancer Patients
by Philip E. Binzel
Our Price: $9.95
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.
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Online Articles:
Often Ostracized, Their Innovations Have Saved Millions
by Robert W. Lee
Part One — The Science of Cancer Therapy
A World Without Cancer Review/Summary by Sandy Fiedler
Part Two — The Politics of Cancer Therapy
A World Without Cancer Review/Summary by Sandy Fiedler
Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)
Vitamin B17 appears in abundance in untamed nature.
Article: Cancer, Merely a Vitamin Deficiency Disease?
Contact Your Senator in Oppostion to the CODEX Alimentarius
Senator Phil Gramm's Non-position re: the CODEX Alimentarius
Time to Ban That Dangerous AMA?
Barbara Stitt's Food & Behavior
Reviewed by Jay Banks
Understanding sickness and understanding cancer,
A beginners guide to health, by Jay Banks
World Without Cancer Audio:
Listen as G. Edward Griffin narrates his movie World
Without Cancer. Encoded in RealAudio®, files must be
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the free RealAlternative media player, or the free jetaudio
media player (with the latter two being the best choices).
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when the menu appears, choose the option to "save target
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After it is downloaded, simply browse to the directory where
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Running time: 55:45 / File Size: 6.7 MB's position on the use of vitamin B17 in the prevention or cure of cancer: if it is used as a cancer preventative, vitamin B17 should only be obtained from natural sources (see list of foods containing B17) and used in conjunction with a reduced animal-protein/dairy diet with a strong emphasis on raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits. If cancer is present, however, vitamin B17 may be obtained in both its natural form and injectable or pill form. This should be used in conjunction with a diet which emphasizes raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits, fresh vegetable and fruit juices, and the total elimination of animal-protein, dairy, sugar, and refined flour products.
Providing complete dietary information is beyond the scope of We highly recommend any of the books by Dr. Norman Walker, information from the Hallelujah Acres website, or any of the videos from Dr. Day.
Lorraine Day, MD.
Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases and Special Facts about Cancer and AIDS.
Dr. Day has excellent videos detailing the EXACT plan she used to rid her body of cancer.
Hallelujah Dietsm
This is a diet, based on God's original instructions to mankind in Genesis 1:29, that emphasizes the importance of raw, living plant foods and their juices.
Your journey towards a family safe Internet starts here recommended sites:
Holistic Alternatives, Inc – A supplier of hard to find and controversial nutritional supplements (Laetrile, Hydrazine Sulfate, etc) since 1973. Great medical freedom links Oasis of Hope Hospital – treatment with alternative medicine and alternative cancer therapies such as Laetrile (amygdalin/B17)
Giving Chase
Lauren Dane
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